Monday, October 13, 2014
The Genius : Rule Breaker
Friday, May 2, 2014
Welcome back!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
1st Step...
Friday, December 30, 2011
G0od bye..2011
you teach me how to live and walk free
Together we've climbed and feel the scenery..
*apa aku lalut ni...hehe
list for 2nd quarter 2011 :
Food of the year : Old Town roti bakar
Drink of the year : oren juice
Place of the year : Old Town.
Event of the year : suprise party..luv u alls..
Friend of the year : gojezzzz
Happiness of the year : love
Hatred of the year : dispute gajiiiii!
Sadness of the year : work
Miserable of the year : work
Memory of the year : Genting Higland
Moment of the year : when i fall in love
Quote of the year : "ingat janji owg..."
hang- out of the year :aaron + Felisha
Movie of the year : Real steel
Couple of the year : <3
Series of the year : How i met your mother
Actress of the year : Shila Amzah
Actor of the year : Zahiril Adzim
Song of the year : Just the way you are
Lyric of the year : "segala yang ku ada ku berikan semua untuk dirimu saja.."
Drama of the year : Juvana
Woman of the year : obebe? haks2
Man of the year : Khairul Fahmi /APex
Laugh of the year : Maharaja Lawak
ME of the year : matured
Friday, December 31, 2010
year '10
year 2010….terasa macam tahun ini terbahagi kepada dua..6 months earlier and 6 months after that.bulan2 pertama tahun 2010 banyak diisi dengan keperitan dan kesengsaraan..huhu..walaupun itu yg akan dikenang sebenarnya ketika ini..
bulan2 seterusnya boleh wat aku ileks skit..and honestly bila fikir blik, semacam rasa bulan2 yg aku spent awal2 itu bukanlah pada tahun ini kerana envrment yg sedang aku alami sekarang terasa sudah lama..dalam erti kata lain..comfortable..alhamdullillah bersyukur kerana jalan yg dipilih tidak salah
sekadar gambar hiasan..
Food of the year : nasi goreng ayam Pulau
Drink of the year : air kosong
Place of the year : MC’D ampang park
Event of the year : Kokdiang?
People of the year : DR Rozmey..ahahaha
Fashion of the year : Selendang
Friend of the year : seluar saiz 27
Happiness of the year : LEVEL 10, CELCOM
Hatred of the year : LEVEL 10, CELCOM
Sadness of the year : Trust
Miserable of the year : love?
Memory of the year : Tiang
Moment of the year : quit job
Quote of the year : “sincerely, u’ll never know what the others really want from u”
hang- out of the year : Wangsa Walk, the Mines
Movie of the year : 2 ALAM..!
Couple of the year : me and porshe
Channel of the year : Starworld ch711
Series of the year : How I Met u Mother
Actress of the year : Faralyna Idris
Actor of the year : Shaheizy Sam
Song of the year : Love Story
Novel of the year : lawak kampus..can?
Lyric of the year : “everybody in the room but I’m looking at u”
Drama of the year : drama reality kehidupan
Woman of the year : Arisya..hehe
Man of the year : my Bro
Group of the year : my sengal frenz
Shock of the year : a lot of my frenz already married
Laugh of the year : rombat..peliiikkk..haaa….x daapat!
Love of the year : complicated
ME of the year : pdaaa….gambatee!
wish for the next year : lampu ajaib…berikan saya poket doraemon supaya saya boleh mengetahui isi hati manusia
Thursday, July 1, 2010
ninomiya kazunari and his...
Saya telah membuat janji. Mungkin orang yang dijanjikan oleh saya itu sudah pun melupakan janji ini tetapi ia masih terngiang-ngiang di kepala (uihh..terngiang? )jadi selama ini saya mencari masa untuk menunaikan janji ini dan masanya telah ada, terlampau banyak tetapi ideanya pula tidak kunjung tiba. Saya menanti masa-masa yang ada untuk idea ini keluar tetapi apabila didarab dan dikali, rasanya boleh penuh satu jamban menunggunya. .hak3 .finally idea yang gatal2 manja itu pun keluar untuk membolehkan tuannya menunaikan janji itew.
PRESENTS…dang3x….the one with Ninomiya Kazunari and his…?
Ninomiya kazunari and his guts pose
he does it a lot in VS arashi
and also at the concert
but even thought Ninomiya kazunari look cool with all these pose, he has the errr.. shame? side too
Ninomiya kazunari and his spastic faces
Maa..Maa..Maa...( tiru style Jun) ..shall we look at all good point about him only?
Ninomiya kazunari and his adorable attitude
he's cool,calm, shy and witty
Also he is been called a great actor.
Ninomiya kazunari and his superb performance
but nothing can beat
Ninomiya kazunari and his sissy hand
"when i'm with riida, i have my feminin hormone "
why ur stand-pose look weird ninomiya-san while the others didn't?
errr...itu sahaja untuk kali ini .hope ur guys enjoy...and no offense..i love Nino..hehe
Monday, June 28, 2010
Pieces of me..
So I have listed everything about myself sbb (1)I nk feeling syok sendiri skit (2) sbb ni blog aku kan (3) memeriahkan blog yg cam nan hado ni (4) Ada Aku Kisah. Fakta2 ini adalah fakta2 mengenai diri aku yg orang len x perasan atau tidak tahu jadi aku ingin bagitau kerana sebab2 di atas.if anyone thinks they know anything about me and even me didnt know about it,kindly msg tulis je la..hiiiii
mukadimahnya : deszda pda is a type of person who :
-x suka bercakap di telefon. Lebih suka msg or face 2 face.
-have a tendency to not finish my meals…don’t know y
-Tak boleh tidur di dalam kenderaan yang bergerak. Xcept bas balik kampung
-Slow in sports.ahaks!
-X suka makan nasi campur.dont y. lately, nasi pun aku x brapa gemar dah, even nasi goreng
-Sangat suka makanan berkuah ; sup/tomyam. Pedas dan panas!

- a indoor person
-Make a decision? Wake up at the morning and which option that I think first will be the right decision 4 me
-Cannot leave house without my pendrive,and MP3
-Barang kesayangan ? of course my Fumi
-Tidur dengan menutup mukanya dengan bantal or barang lain hatta beg sekali pun. Tak de bantal kt kepala x pa,janji muka ada
-X suka tidur pakai suar.rimas
-X suka bau sos thai! Kalau basah pinggan dan terbau, trus rasa nk marah
-x kisah menunggu org lambat tp hangin kalau lambat yang disengajakan. Ex : mekap lama2,pilih baju lama2
-tahan dengan sejuk semulajadi tapi surrender dgn aircond!
- like to make a decision based on my intuition.
-Love arashi (ok…yg ni patutnya x leh masuk dlm senarai dah)
-When I’m tired, u can see it, when I’m moody, u can see it, when I’m sad..u didn’t see it. Muka aku macam graffiti dinding yg org slalu usha kat KLCC tu dan bila grafiti tu tercalar skit, trus smua orang lari