aarrghhh....juz a quick babling today.Ever watch a movie/drama that u're satisfied with the storyline,the actor,actress but there are smthing that disturb ur concntrtion?Here we go....
okey...read carefully what i'm gonna say. the poster is really good right and i love it.
i did said before that the story was good. YES..it is good.the storyline is awesome and i like it. the actor is hot..hehe..i like him now compare to gokusen and koizora. the actress emm...sweet.who dont like katase nana?tell me?hehe... but there smthing that make me feel..what the @#XS! i'll tell in the next post..haha..juz kidding. juz look at these pictures and imagine.
Exhibit A : EPISOD 1
situasi : u want to protect this little girl from the terrorists. and she has to go to the school.her brother is not around and you will watching over her.

n u put the transmitter there...??in the doll??
situasi : n this little sister have been kidnapped...

and god know that this beg must been thrown out..!! a spy kid a least know to put it at the necklace n dont be surprised honey...your sis protector is to houuuntoni baka ne..~
situasi : this young man find his sister. he have to do what the kidnapper said before,hack into the goverment system.he have to do it bcoz no one there to help him.

n this is what he got.a call from a police lady yang lari entah ke mana n then got angry coz his sister is safe???
Takagi : so,u want me to waited for u at the copacabanna cafe while eat cake???my sister is in damn danger..!!
situasi : sebuah bom disyaki diletakkan di dalam shopping complex. di dalamnya mmpunyai virus maut yg boleh membawa kematian slps dua jam terhidunya sahaja.n there a looot of local people there...

n that is what the policeman have to say...???? there no need to investigate anymoreeeeee.......!!!
situasi : terrorist cb menghack sistem kawalan office.the reason is only terrorist n the director know. but they fail n WE ALL bloody know that they MUST tried it again..

n u put juz one or two guard here?n didnt look aware of the evil
thing that are about to come!!!

n he got flying kick..thanks god. mr police, u damn stupid for putting ur
retirement-ojisan here...said terrorist
situasi : The bom is a fake. that young boy that know the truth runs risking his life to tell the others n he almost got shot. n that is what he got

did academy police ever teach u to at least...advice him not to act like a hero rather than throw his beg on his face and..blaahhh....????so that he can replied to u "it is better than u guys who like to play -we-sacrifice-to-our-beloved country!!"
situasi : seorang yang disyaki penjahat ditahan ketika sedang cuba menculik seorang rakan police. n they did fought before this situation.

n a clever police never let a bad guy put his hand free like this when ur gun is right off his eyes
situasi : penjahat yang berniat untuk menyebarkan virus berbahaya berjaya ditangkap dan dipaksa untuk menunjukkan lokasi kegiatan mereka.

and u bring juz 2 police and a kid along..????
situasi : there a spy between u two. syak mengesyaki berlaku. u want to investigate inside the building n this is what u do

never leave bad girl outside their own building..!!!
n u ask the kid to watch over her..???n less than 15 minutes ago u said,dont listen to what she trying to say n now u are given them a chance to talk about....a bed time stories...!!??
arrgghhh..!!migrain.....!!!!! it is a special unit that call THIRD- I act?
after watching until 3 episode...i have to say
the police aka THIRD-I in this story is damn stupid..!!or i rather said bloody damn stupid..!!
ok..stop...continued to episod akan datang...i hope there no more..fuhh