Laporan kaji cuaca ini dibawa oleh JStorm dengan kerjasama JE di bawah bimbingan orkhestra RTM..DANG..DANG..DANG!!(Drum rolls)
Cuaca pada hari ini dilaporkan beribut kencang dengan kadar darjah harus ditentukan sendiri oleh anda. jadi bawa laptop dan headphone anda ke tengah laman rumah dan pasang. cari apa saja yang anda rasa penyebab kepada penyakit anda itu. jangan lupa bawa extension plug untuk adpter dan jangan sesekali mmnjamnya dari jiran anda. anda pasti x mahu jiran anda terkena jangkitan virus anda. JANGAN....
Jadi jika anda sudah memeriksa dan masih ragu-ragu akan tahap jangkitan itu,di sini ada disediakan tanda-tanda bahawa anda telah terkena jangkitan di dalam ribut itu. dan percayalah.ia memang dahsyat dan ubatnya?teruskan dengan jangkitan itu.
- When u heard about olympic and volleyball sho came into ur mind.
- When u watch wakenabeb or bang bang boom, u know nino can do better than that
- U remember nino when it come to prank,games and NOW magic.
- U try to remember which year and song that related to video that u’re watching every time u watched it.,n not to forget,their hairstlye.
- U always think that they are amazing bcoz they have 3 variety show in row, concert the whole year and new single after another. But never mention it to anybody.
- U search the old pv that u dont like it u watching it everyday.
- Ohno is definetly the best singer u ever know!period!
- Hole and aiba is priceless<_>
- Evey time u watch their perfmance, u always watching it to know if they sing it live or not and u will know it immediatly.
- Ohno is cutest boy u ever know. no, he is not weird he is juz cute wit his own style
- u getting know a lot of the Jpop star. thanks to ANS
- u try to list ur favorite song but u stuck coz it all arashi song that come into ur mind
- u get scolded by ur frenz when u ask them the distance from malaysia to taiwan. arashi is from japan right.: ( but if u dont mention it they already know that is about these boy.<_>
- u're getting hate of another group althought they are in the same company.Oh NO....!!
- ur HD is getting full and u dont know how to solve this problem. erase the video?no...!u rather lost your matrik card rather than erase it!
- Sho is kawaiii and kakkoi neehhh.....although the 1st time u saw him, u think he is....emmm.....
- u wanted to c all the figurines that ohno makes and was hoped that he will draw something that related to u. so u'll b extra dummy happy!
- u find nothing interesting than arashi stuff.
- blank when someone ask u about latest movie non-arashi
- yes..there are people that OBSESS
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