Monday, December 22, 2008

secret means...anything...!!

at my 22nd birthday..i ate...BIHUN SUP again..!!!

huahaha...tetiba terasa terdengar-dengar'll never get tired wit this one haa.."huhu

oh..if anybody want to give a birthday present to me..dont bother..juz..paid the bill phone for me..??


secret means...anything...!!

1.I cannot wait to go back to Puncak perdana

Secret : im sick of class and teka. The only reason I want to go back is because I miss my friend and damn bored here

2.I watching Ryusei no Kizuna although people said it is dispointed.

Secret : I stop watching it because hayashi rice remains me sizzling and sizzling is difficult to find here

3.I am hanadan lover forever

Secret : until now not a single episode I’d watched the montaj with wish n love so sweet for the 2 season.

4.I miss my buu

Secret : I miss my kitam and everytime I think about him,I want to hug smthing and buu came into my mind

5. i didnt watch tv at home coz all the programme are so bored!

Secret : actually,i cannot leave my laptop for juz about 30 minutes although HBO have Transformer right now

6. i think i close with my brother

secret : but when we talk on the phone, i dont know what to say

7. i started using mouse

secret : it bcoz i cnnot use my middle finger anymore..its hurt..

7. when i'm getting pissed off,usually people doesnt want to talk with me

secret : its kinda hurt me coz when im in a bad mood i want to talk to somebody,to forget the thing that make me angry

update soon~

you have a secret?come share with me..^ ^

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Surat untuk Fumi

Surat untuk Fumi

Ke hadapan Fumi-chan yang dicintai,
Apa khabar kamu sekarang?diharap kamu sihat dan tabah dalam mengharungi cabaran yang melanda. Aku di sini mendoakan semoga kamu segera sembuh seperti sediakala dan dapat kembali bertugas seperti biasa.

Ketika kali terakhir aku melihat kamu pada malam 16 disember,aku tidak merasa yang kamu akan melalui detik-detik seperti ini. Tapi pagi 17 disember menentukan segala-galanya. Aku melihat bateri kamu pada tahap kritikal dan penyambungan internet tidak berfungsi.aku mula khuatir,tetapi aku tidak salahkan kamu.sedikit pun tidak kerana aku tahu bukan kamu minta jadi begitu. Aku berusaha memulihkan kamu,tetapi setiap kali aku mencuba keadaan kamu bertambah tenat. Aku mula cemas. Dan akhirnya kamu terpadam.aku sangat cemas dan cepat-cepat membawa kamu ke pusat rawatan. Doktor di sana mengatakan bahawa system dalaman kamu sudah corrupt atau dalam erti kata lain kamu di tahap memberbahaya. Aku tidak rela meninggalkan kamu berjuang keseorangan tetapi aku tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa. Dan akhirnya aku dengan berat hati meninggalkan kamu.

Aku menanti di rumah dengan penuh resah seperti sedang menunggu lampu bilik operation dipadamkan. Sekejab-kejab aku memandang jam.menanti panggilan yang mengatakan bahawa kamu sudah selamat. Dan akhirnya penantianku berakhir. Aku menyambut kepulanganmu pada jam 6 petang. Aku sangat gembira dan terasa bahagia.
Tetapi rupanya kegembiraan itu tidak berpanjangan. Ketika kamu sedang berbakti kepadaku,musibah datang melanda. Kamu diserang lagi penyakit dan pada kali ini aku tidak mampu menahan rasa hatiku lagi. Aku meratapi keadaanmu dan menyesali diri kerana tidak mampu membantu di saat-saat kamu memerlukanku. Aku habiskan sisa-sisa malam menunggu tibanya pagi.

17 disember,9 .30 pagi.aku berkunjung lagi ke tempat rawatanmu. Kali ini aku mahu memastikan kamu mendapat rawatan yang secukupnya. Aku menunggu penuh kesabaran. Tetapi aku sekali lagi diberitahu bahawa keadaan kamu memerlukan rawatan yang rapi dan aku di minta pulang sehingga diberitahu kelak. Aku terpaksa pulang dan aku cuba menghabiskan masa tanpa memikirkan keadaan kamu di sana. Selepas pukul 5, aku menunggu dengan penuh debaran panggilan untuk menyambut kamu kembali tetapi setiap kali jam berputar, kesabaranku makin menipis dan akhirnya hampir senja aku tiba di tempat kamu. Aku meneliti pembaikpulihan yang dijalankan ke atas kamu dan aku menjelaskan keadaan kamu pada malam sebelumnya. Aku berasa risau kerana walaupun kamu sudah pulih tetapi function keyboard kamu masih ada yang tidak berfungsi sepenuhnya. Aku diberitahu bahawa ia memerlukan penelitian daripada yang original dan mereka tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa. Aku akur dan bagi aku,cukuplah kamu selamat dan aku tidak akan meminta apa-apa lagi.

Kini kamu sedang berada di dalam keadaan seperti sediakala. Walaupun pada masa kelak aku akan kekok menggunakanmu, aku tidak akan bersungut apa-apa. Aku cuma mengharapkan kamu akan terus sihat.dan aku takut kamu akan melalui detik-detik seperti itu lagi..

Yang menyayangimu,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tell me why do u like Arashi..??

Tell me why do u like Arashi..??

Ok..i ask this question to myself. Im realize that my entry lately is all about them so i wanted an answer so i didnt felt bad for being obsess..hehe..

Why i like arashi..?kenapa saya suka arashi..

1. Bcoz there are juz one person who can consider normal in this group.other four..huuu..abnormal..

2. Bcoz there are one person in this group who cannot do backflip in the ENTIIIREE johnny

3. Bcoz they like touch riida’s ermm...butt

4. Bcoz there are one leader who doesnt act like a leader at all :D

5. Bcoz of their ANS,MMA,VS


bcoz of riida cuteness and kawainess...!!

bcoz of witty nino need to say more... : D

lovely smile from aiba..err...repeat image..

hehe..too lazy to check back.

bcoz of matsujun DO.S ^-^

7. Bcoz they have niji,kaze,kitto daijoubu,a day in our life,pikanchi double,koe,take me faraway,dear my friend,truth,blue,chekku no mufara,yes?no, etc

8. bcoz of their FRIENDSHIP

9. bcoz Sho voice when singing is smexy

10. bcoz they are Sou sa bokura wa super boy! hehe..

11. bcoz of Aiba's "STOP CALLING ME IDIOT!!"

11. bcoz there have

aiba masaki,matsumoto jun,ninomiya kazunari,ohno satoshi,sakurai sho.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

bloody monday or hell..


aarrghhh....juz a quick babling today.Ever watch a movie/drama that u're satisfied with the storyline,the actor,actress but there are smthing that disturb ur concntrtion?Here we go....

BLOODY MONDAY...!!! carefully what i'm gonna say. the poster is really good right and i love it.

i did said before that the story was good. is good.the storyline is awesome and i like it. the actor is hot..hehe..i like him now compare to gokusen and koizora. the actress emm...sweet.who dont like katase nana?tell me?hehe... but there smthing that make me feel..what the @#XS! i'll tell in the next post..haha..juz kidding. juz look at these pictures and imagine.

Exhibit A : EPISOD 1

situasi : u want to protect this little girl from the terrorists. and she has to go to the school.her brother is not around and you will watching over her.

n u put the transmitter there...??in the doll??

situasi : n this little sister have been kidnapped...

and god know that this beg must been thrown out..!! a spy kid a least know to put it at the necklace n dont be surprised honey...your sis protector is to houuuntoni baka ne..~

situasi : this young man find his sister. he have to do what the kidnapper said before,hack into the goverment system.he have to do it bcoz no one there to help him.

n this is what he got.a call from a police lady yang lari entah ke mana n then got angry coz his sister is safe???
Takagi : so,u want me to waited for u at the copacabanna cafe while eat cake???my sister is in damn danger..!!

situasi : sebuah bom disyaki diletakkan di dalam shopping complex. di dalamnya mmpunyai virus maut yg boleh membawa kematian slps dua jam terhidunya sahaja.n there a looot of local people there...

n that is what the policeman have to say...???? there no need to investigate anymoreeeeee.......!!!

situasi : terrorist cb menghack sistem kawalan office.the reason is only terrorist n the director know. but they fail n WE ALL bloody know that they MUST tried it again..

n u put juz one or two guard here?n didnt look aware of the evil

thing that are about to come!!!

n he got flying kick..thanks god. mr police, u damn stupid for putting ur

retirement-ojisan here...said terrorist

situasi : The bom is a fake. that young boy that know the truth runs risking his life to tell the others n he almost got shot. n that is what he got

did academy police ever teach u to at least...advice him not to act like a hero rather than throw his beg on his face and..blaahhh....????so that he can replied to u "it is better than u guys who like to play -we-sacrifice-to-our-beloved country!!"


situasi : seorang yang disyaki penjahat ditahan ketika sedang cuba menculik seorang rakan police. n they did fought before this situation.

n a clever police never let a bad guy put his hand free like this when ur gun is right off his eyes

situasi : penjahat yang berniat untuk menyebarkan virus berbahaya berjaya ditangkap dan dipaksa untuk menunjukkan lokasi kegiatan mereka.

and u bring juz 2 police and a kid along..????

situasi : there a spy between u two. syak mengesyaki berlaku. u want to investigate inside the building n this is what u do

never leave bad girl outside their own building..!!!
n u ask the kid to watch over her..???n less than 15 minutes ago u said,dont listen to what she trying to say n now u are given them a chance to talk about....a bed time stories...!!??

arrgghhh..!!migrain.....!!!!! it is a special unit that call THIRD- I act?
after watching until 3 episode...i have to say

the police aka THIRD-I in this story is damn stupid..!!or i rather said bloody damn stupid..!!

ok..stop...continued to episod akan datang...i hope there no more..fuhh

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Semakin ari semakin sayang

Semakin ari semakin sayang

Boleh tajuk kat atas..?ahaksss

Tonight i wanna tell u 1 story. Not a scary,not a romance not a sad but a boring one about my if u dont want to be drag into boringness,click the X at the right browser and this page will dissapear.

Just joking.

My life...em let me just tell you about something that i’m love. Bcoz my life is dull and honestly dont like to talk about that yet.

I’ve been in storm for about 1 years, i guess. It started last summer and i already told that story earlier.too lazy to write about it agaiiinnnn!!aaahhhh...(check the previous entry It begin with a status just-someone-that-i know and not interested with them. After some case( is amano makoto case....?larrrikkkk!!)im convert to the status fan. Now it is important thing that i want to highlight between fan and something that-i-dont-know-what-to –call- for myself.

PV –when i be the fan, i watch their pv several time.but didnt take it. I just take which i like. And i did feel annoying..yes annoying. In that case WISH .(like what the hell is he i dont-know his name doing.for your attention,that curse was for my beloved sho.haha) and i didnt feel anything when watched HAPPINESS and some people’s comment,it was lame. i didnt agree but just watch it with no feeling.

what theeee.....errrrrr...luckly its blur

Now i have that pv that i-called-annoying and the others that cant grap my attention before.i do watch those eemmm...not everday day but every spare time.

CONCERT- before, i pick the one that i think best in the concert e.i RAIN, LA TORMENTA coz i feel that the song that i dont familiar is not nessesary but now i have the whole concert. Finished download this moring and i already watch it 3 times and despertely waiting to finish downloding the other concert.

SONG –Being a fan mean i want to listen to their song. i heard and like their song.NOW i want to have all their song including the ones that not in the album. Concert,single. And i love kansha kangeki ame arashi very much. Eh,I hate this song before and even delete it from the mp3 list.i love and feel their song.

Member- same. Sho is still my is not about who do you like or hate. I dont have anyone in Arashi that i hate. Frankly. It is about impression. The early era(waaahhh) i know them, i do feel that nino is arrogant. Yes i do feel like that. And i hardly accept him.(weehh pda who are u to judge him???tell the maniac fangirls..goomeenaasaiii..) i still find what is in Aiba that make fans like him. Or honestly make me wants to like him. Coz i dont want to like arashi becoz of one person. I want to love them all. And i accept the fact that Ohno is amazing in singing and dancing and have talent in art. Just accept not feel it. I cannot see jun as part of arashi becoz i’m seeing him as an actor and i did know him as an actor before know that he is in arashi.

sedap dimakan..nyam2

Love-I did feel bias. For example i didnt feel nothing when i read about nino and aiba scandal. I even said gosh...lucky its not can i said like that.??NOW i cannot slept when read about ohno 3T and need someone to at least calm me down and listen to me

Now i love nino.not that what i’m said before is not true but a little different. I slowly understand his character and i like the way he is.thanks to NIJI a lot.thanks to nino to able to create something really beautiful.he bring the happiness and he mean to others in a funny way.

I admire Aiba for being too cute and appears at his face when he smile during the concert and when his members teasing him at their shows. I love to see him smile.and i begin to like his voice too.i feel angry when someone look down on him. hey just arashi can do that thing ok!

soooo cuteee and freesshh

I want to have a boyfriend like Ohno! It is not like im falling in love with him but i fall in love with his talent,his character. His silent,FREESTYLE and MAOU and of coz his voice when singing. I never heard him off tune!NEVER.

I want to draw smthing that make the owner of this blog fall in love wit me..imagine one crazy fangirl

i like jun back in young time when i watched Jidai, All or Nothing. i fell bad for not being love him for arashi. I like his Do-s,his unexpected concerns to other member and since i had the feeling that he have a distance between the others(i dont know why,maybe bcoz his diva aura..keh2..) i love to see rabu-rabu between him and the others i.e nino, sho bcoz they are the hard one to see. I think that my impression to ARASHI’s matsumoto jun, not domyouji,sawada or bon shiago or other just realise recently that matsujun is really handsome during the AAA + in DOME concert..hahaha..sad nee.

What about Sho?haha..i’m being TOO bias for not say anything about him. Emm.. ok what should i say?in the beginning i started to like him bcoz of his bakaness in shukudai. I cant believe someone who clever and hot temper, act like that. His face is sincere and innocent. I think maybe he is not himself and just pretend but i see him in different variety show,the making of n the concert too and his character is down to earth and funny and baka and very sweeett..... And the things that i like most is his care for other member. Bahan bukti : watch Tokyo Friend Park II! Although nino once said that sho is the less in the rank of who is the most concern.(honestly it make me feel blue)

Being a arashi fan in the beginning i feel weird. I had love many artist. AF, international. Maybe bcoz at that time i liked them, i dont have link to their life(ehh...wait what about johnny,jenny in af?)ahhh...i forgot. So i DO have a link to their life but these is different. I know them, iisten to them, laugh and even cried. I dun know when it will be lasted and im afraid of ages becoz when i am getting older,i dont have time to love them more. And they are getting old too.

but lets hope it will be lasting forever. SAYONARA..peace

this is quote from fan by the way he is guy and 50 years old. no..i know what u're thinking.this is not JOHNNY H. KITAGAWA

“Arashi depends on the trust of the five, between the five. They believe in the Arashi of the past, present and future. For me, the friendship and trust, the belief in dreams, is the reason for liking Arashi.Before the age of computers and electricity, humans wished before shooting stars. If the shooting stars really granted wishes, I would like to make a wish in this brief moment. In the ties between these five, the bond named Arashi, I wish that this will last forever, no matter what happens.”

yama + kaze = ARASHI